Copyright: August 28, 2009
Pages: 196 pages
J. Kaye’s Rating: 3/5
Nona’s Rating: 5/5
Amy Rose Turner is two weeks from graduating high school. She has been accepted by two colleges. One is a public university, the other, a private and expensive one. Unbeknownst to her parents, she has used all of her savings to reserve a spot at the small, private college, hoping that she’ll earn enough money during the summer to attend. Her first interview is for a babysitting job.
When Amy shows up at the Edmund’s estate, she discovers the job is really to be a companion for Tristan, someone her age who has recently lost his eye site. At first, Amy wasn’t so sure about taking the job. Tristan made it clear he didn’t want her there, but his mother was desperate. Mrs. Edmund was so sure that having someone her son’s own age would bring him out of his shell that she increased the original hourly wage offer. Amy couldn’t refuse.
Even though the two are from different social classes, there is an attraction between the two. Told only from Amy’s point of view, I wasn’t able to deeply feel Tristan’s attraction for Amy. I also wasn’t able to feel his torment of being blind. There were a couple or so scenes in the book I didn’t feel a recently blind person could accomplish. My daughter, having read the book also, disagreed. Our discussion ended with her in a blindfold to prove her point. She won.
Even with my daughter’s insight, I would have loved to see this story from two points of view. Reneè Carter’s talent for telling a story is there. I just think, at least for me, it would have added depth to the story to have Tristan’s point of view also.

Visit J. Kaye at her blog: J. Kaye's Book Blog and a very special thank you to J. Kaye's daughter Nona for her contribution to this review!
Another great review, this is one I've heard about before and I'd like to read it!
PS daughters often win LOL.
Alaine - Queen of Happy Endings, Nona had me laughing so hard...but she was right.
This is certainlt a differnt twist on a book. Love the joint reviews. You two have a great relationship :) Feel proud honey!
I think I'd still like to read this one, the plot sounds so unusual but I understand what you're saying J.Kaye. Nona proving her point cracked me up, LOL. Thanks J.Kaye
Lovely review. This sounds like a really good read.
Again, love that you have teamed up with your daughter for the review.
I think I am going to take a page from your book, if you do not mind and do some reviews such as this with my 10, 12 and 14 year olds girls. They are working hard with school, by adding them into a review as you have done would not stress them.
I am placing His Eyes on my to-read list. My 12 and 14 year old girls may like this read. I will be interested to see how I like the story.
I loved how Nona proved herself right. Love that. I can see my 12 and 14 year old girls doing the very same thing.
Jenny Girl, that's exactly how I felt too! very different character. The plot was predictable, but I don't think that is a bad thing. I like to count on happily-ever-after endings.
Teddyree, you should have seen it. We are arguing back and forth (not mean) and she was standing her ground. I said "Fine. Prove it." and she did...lol!
Kate, I enjoyed it...and Nona LOVED it...lol.
Deanna/ibeeeg, I had a feeling other mothers would do this as soon as they saw it. ;) It's nice to get a different point of view!
I would love to read this book - and I think my 12 year old daughter would, too! Great review :)
Ok..lets try this again! LOL...I so want to win this! I did an interview with this author on my blog and I have been wanting this book forever!
Amy J
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!!!!
I love how you and your daughter both review and discuss the books together. I would love to read this. Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!
Please throw my name in the ring.
So if J. Kaye gave it a 3/5 and
Nona gave it a 5/5, then maybe I'd give it a 4/5 and split the difference...Great review, but of course - Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!!!!!
Neas Nuttiness & virginiebarbeau, even though I gave it a three, I really enjoyed the book! :)
Amy J, awesome!
Zia, we do have lively discussions...lol.
This book sounds great. Royal Reviews has the best book reviews.
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews! I'm interested in this book. Please enter me. :D
linna.hsu at gmail dot com
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews! Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks for hosting.
edmontonjb, Linna & Just Mom, I really enjoyed the book.
"Royal Reviews has the best book reviews"
This book looks great!! Please enter me in the giveaway..
I'm a follower of both blogs!!
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
I'm not entering to win, but I loved this book!!!! I'm still in awe over it!!!
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!
Thanks for the info on this book; it sounds really good.
hcmurdoch (at) gmail.com
I had not heard of this book before - it definitely sounds like one that I would enjoy!
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!
jennsicurella at verizon dot net
Great review. I love that your daughter helped!
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!
This is a good review and I am curious about this bookand would love a chance to win :)
journey through books @ gmail dot com
It is a wonderful thing when a book has different effects on different people! Wonderful review!
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews...
Thank you,
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews! Hurrah!
This book looks so good and I'd love to have a chance to win it!
Sara (The Hiding Spot)
Martha Lawson, awesome!
Cindy, lol, she is a talented author.
hcmurdoch, it is!
Kristi, I wouldn't have either if the author hadn't contacted me.
~Jennifer~, yes they do!
Bethie, isn't she the coolest?
bookjourney, I think you'd enjoy it too!
Krista, Nona is her own person isn't she?
Sara, great!
I love that you and Nona differ in opinions. And lol...I'm just laughing thinking about her running around in a blindfold to prove you wrong. Something my daughter would TOTALLY do.
I'd love to read this and see where I rate it. Even though Royal Reviews has the best reviews ever, I'd like to put in my two cents. :D (See...there is me thinking I'm super-smart by incorporating it into what I was saying...like I totally meant to say it!)
jennifermorrill, you should have seen us. I like "No, you can't." She's like "Yes, I can. I know everything about this house."
I mean this went on for a few minutes too. Back and forth and then I made her prove it. I heard "I told you so." for the next two days...maybe it was more...lol. It was hilarious.
I know what it is to suddenly go blind... even in one eye... it's very scary and stressful...
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews
I really wanna read this book...
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews! count me in!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!!!
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews...
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!
I cant wait to read this. It's not something I would normally read, but I think it sounds great.
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!
Looks like such a good read, thanks!
tawnda - wow...I can only imagine!
Debbie F, Stacie, Winning Readings,
throuthehaze, Jessy, Heather - Definitely!
Hi J.Kaye,
You said in your comment back to me:
{{I had a feeling other mothers would do this as soon as they saw it. ;) It's nice to get a different point of view!}}
It is nice to read a different pov, one from the marketed age group.
My girls have already been doing "reviews" via some of my Kids' Choice posts. However, I have had them write out their own review (a paragraph or so) and then I posted it within my review. I was thinking that just adding a few of their thoughts/comments within my own review such as you have done will help to simplify things for them (at times).
Oh yes, I must not forget to add...
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!!!
Deanna/ibeeeg - Nona did for my blog and then became too busy with school. After this experiment, I like it better as a duo. I was worried when she and I liked the same book that it would sound too generic or have the same repeated info, but her likes were different than mine. Do you find the same?
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews. Of course, is there any question? No. Great blog.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews!!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews
Great review!
Count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I wondered about it being only from the one perspective when I read the author interview. I haven't read this one, of course, but in general I do prefer to see both sides of a story. Guess I'll see what I think in this particular instance if I win it. :)
I love YA Romance Week at Royal Reviews!
Royal Reviews has the best book reviews.
"Royal Reviews has the best book reviews"
I've been curious about this book for a while
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