When sixteen-year-old Aden first locks eyes with Mary Ann, something wonderful and horrible happened at the same time. For Aden who lives with four souls inside him, there was a blissful peace – no voices calling out to him. For Mary Ann, it was the beginning of a completely new life. Not only can she quiet Aden’s voices, but also there are secrets about her past she will discover.
What neither of them realized was the moment the two visually connected, a surge of energy exploded sending shock waves into the paranormal world. The first to arrive were Victoria, a vampire, and Riley, a werewolf and Victoria’s protector. Although Aden is attracted to Victoria and Riley to Mary Ann, Aden and Riley react towards each other as enemies. Aden and Riley will have to put their differences aside for the battle ahead.
It took me a long time to get into the drama brewing between these teens. I just didn’t feel the passion and wondered if the story would have been better if the relationship between Aden and Victoria would have been highlighted more in this book instead of equally on both couples. My daughter didn’t feel that way. She was hooked from the very beginning. She also feels that this is a great setup for the next book.
What we did agree upon is that the concept of the story was interesting. Aden having four spirits who poses a special ability adds to the flavor of the story. The author did a great job with Aden’s voices as not once did I find it confusing.
We both agree that the ending didn’t leave the reader dangling, but gives enough to interest the reader in the next book. Although I probably won’t be reading the next book in this series, my daughter will. She’s hooked.

Visit J. Kaye at her blog: J. Kaye's Book Blog and a very special thank you to J. Kaye's daughter Nona for her contribution to this review!
J. Kaye, I loved this review and I loved you including Nona. I think it's great to have a young adults point of view.
Hey J. Kaye, i like that there's two different points of view in your review. And its short and to the point. This books sounds interesting enough that i'll pick it up eventually.
J.Kaye -
I think it is very cool that you included Nona in your review. I read quite a few YA books because I do tend to like them but mostly because my two older girls read them. I like knowing that while you thought the because was okay, Nona loved that. What that tells me is that we will be reading this book in this ibeeeg house. (side note: ibeeeg stands for my kids' first initial of first names).
My 12 year old is a huge paranormal fan. She will probably enjoy this te book the most. I will be curious to see if our opinoin is the same as yours (me) and Nona's (them).
Question for you, if you don't mind: How old is Nona?
Thanks for this review.
Loved reading both yours and Nona's thoughts on this one, a really wonderful review J.Kaye.
Great review J.Kaye! Wonderful that you included Nona's opinion as well...gave an all around review for the young adult and adult community.
I'm looking forward to reading this one for the next Blog With Bite discussion :)
Teddyree, Alaine - Queen of Happy Endings, I am going to start making this a practice on YA books I read. I really like her point of view!
K, I don't think I am able to do anything with length in it. Not sure why that is.
Deanna/ibeeeg, she'll be 13 in December, but don't let her age fool ya. She's been reading YA for a couple of years now. That said, she doesn't like a lot of romance. If it's romance with drama, then she seems to be okay with that...meaning she loves the drama.
Falling Off The Shelf, sadly, I would be a downer for the discussion. ;)
As soon as I find out the exact dates for the Intertwined discussion I will let you know. We usually post them on our blogs and link back to Blog With Bite. It's fairly new, and we're only on our 2nd book so far..but it's fun, and it's all about paranormal based books!
hmm interesting take =) going to def try and get this one :D
Falling Off The Shelf, I'll be on the lookout. Paranormal is a fave. ;)
Leslie, I think everyone should. Nona and I had totally opposite opinions on parts of this book. She's excited about book two...which I have no idea when it comes out.
I love the review and have been trying to get my hands on a copy of this fab book!!!
Royal Reviews Rock!!!
I loved that you both put your thoughts down about this book. I think I still want to read it.
Oh ya Royal Reviews Rock =)
"Royal Reviews Rock!"
I loved this book! I love your review as well because of you both giving your opinion on it. Great review and to the point!
Amy J
I like the idea of the four souls in one body too. It is nice to see two points of view in your review. Sounds like a perfect book for my teenage niece.
This sounds good. And different - or at least I don't recall any stories where 4 souls lived in one body. I suspect, like you, I'll wish they focused on one couple. I also expect, like Nona, if I read the first I'm going to want to read the second. We'll see. =)
Royal Reviews Rock!
Ah now that's interesting--to have the split review. But this is good! Between you both you hit all the points I'd be interested in knowing so...w00t.
Royal Reviews Rock! (totally not biased in this thought)
Lexie C.
Hi J. Kaye,
I enjoyed reading both your reviews and rating of the book!
I still want to read this book because Gena wrote it!
Royal Reviews Rock!!!
Loving this review J. Kaye. Please count me in.
I love all of Gena's books.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Royal Reviews Rock! Interesting the difference in your ratings. I am anxious to read this.
Elie (Ellz Readz)
I haven't really gotten into the paranormal genre, but I'm will to keep trying.
I enjoy your families perspective on books...it's fun!
Gotta love the difference in opinions =) I've heard mixed reviews about this one and I haven't read anything by Gena so I still want to give this a try.
This and Gena's adult series =D
I forgot to mention how much Royal Reviews Rock!!
;) Thanks J. Kaye
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who forgot to say "Royal Reviews Rock"!!!
So I don't forget to say it later, "Royal Reviews Rocks". I've been browsing around the past few days and I'm really loving the reviews. I also love everyone's 'royal' names.
J. Kaye~ I love that Nona's opinion creeped into your review. I'd definately like to give this one a try. The idea of four sould in one body intrigues me. Count me in please!
~Jenn M.
Great review. I've been really looking forward to this book, I think it's an interesting idea, slightly similar to her adult series (lords of the underworld, I think it is) in that he has other souls inside him.. but still, it seems like it's worth a look.
BTW... Royal Reviews Rock!!
Morning Glow
Looks like a great read--I've been anxious to check out this Harlequin Teen line. It's a good thing Royal Reviews Rock, so I can learn more about it!
Hey J. Kaye and Nona thank u for the wonderful review.
This time i m marking this to-read based on Nona's review! Thank u!
Hi J.Kaye - thanks for your response. It seems, based on this review and My Soul To Take review, your daughter's taste are very similar to my current 12 year old daughter's taste. I was just telling Alaine how it is hard for me to discern a good book for this girl of mine. Too old for kid books but still a bit young for some of the YA books, yet...YA books is what she is reading. Also, she has a 14 year old sister for which I think has helped spur the 12yo on not only in what she is reading but what she already knows/been exposed to.
Enjoying these reviews with your daughter.
Oh yeah...it goes without saying...
Royal Reviews Rock!!
Thanks Nona and J. Kaye! Royal Reviews Rock! I totally love the idea of all the different paranormal creatures...a lot of the stuff I read only features one or two different "species" This should be cool with werewolves, vampires and beings with many souls!Thanks for the review!
xoxo~ Renee aka SteelerGirl83
fredamans, I totally understand. Almost fell out when I saw this pop up on the list!
Zia, and the funniest part is when she'd say "Really?" when I'd share mine. ;)
Amy, Nona will be traveling the road ahead alone. ;)
edmontonjb, I was really surprised how the author was able to keep each one separate without confusing me.
Jo, yes, Aden is a very unique character.
Lexie, and I didn't even tell her my opinion prior to reading it. ;)
Razlover's Book Blog & I Heart Book Gossip, I think all fans should give it a go.
elnice, Awesome!
Neas Nuttiness, really? Not even one? Wow...you just wait!
Mishel, just because you haven't means that you just might like it better...my expectations were so high.
jennifermorrill, totally agree. This is one of the coolest of blogs out there.
Morning Glow from Novel Addiction, Now I love-love Lords of the Underworld!
holdenj, I know what you mean. This new line of books has me excited!
Veens, that's great news!
Deanna/ibeeeg, Nona no longer does solo reviews because she has so much school work. What I've started doing is have a spot every Sunday for her. She gives me the best books she's read for the week. It airs every Sunday at 11:30 AM/CST with the exception of last Sunday. Her last three books were the ones to be posted on this site, so it was sort of pointless to do one.
Renee, then you will like this series!
I've seen this book around and think it looks super intriguing!! I would love to check it out! Your review also has me thinking . . . have you ever given 5 stars where Nona has given 3, and if so, what was the book? Just curious!!
BTW, Royal Reviews Rock!! So much so, I think I had better add it to my Reader!! :)
This is so fun! Royal Reviews Rock! I love the duo interview.... great idea and great review!
Thanks for both of your reviews. It was nice reading both of your ideas about this book. Royal Reviews Rock! I like that you both have a difference of opinion. You won't be reading the next book but your daughter will. I'd like to read this one it sounds interesting. Also sounds crowded in that poor boys head!
my daughter has been talking about this book , and now after reading your review i am very interested too,
"Royal Reviews Rock!"
roswello athotmail dot com
Great to see both your point of view and Nona's. This is another one I've had sitting on my shelves that I need to get to and reading your review makes me curious to move it to the top of the pile.
I am so very jealous. I so anxious to read this. I am really glad that you liked it, this just pushes me more run out and pick it up.
Royal Reviews Rock!
I've been wanting to read this one due to it being by Gena Showalter, but now I want to read it even more!! Thanks!!
Royal Reviews Rock!!
I must read this book! I've never read any Showalter. I know, I just haven't gotten around to it.
Royal Reviews Rock!!!
I definitely can't wait to read Intertwined! I've read most of Gena's "adult" books and looooved them so of course! I'm trying out her new YA. :)
Oops! By the way - Royal Reviews Rock! ;)
J Kaye, I get a kick out of you and your daughter doing simultaneous reviews on books. I think it's a clever way of getting two sides to one book, especially when it's a YA. I also think it's interesting how it shows the difference in your tastes, but also, on what you both like and enjoy. Very enjoyable review and a nice site to post it on, too (aside from your own) -
Royal Reviews Rock!
I'm new here. And I just found another blog to stalk :D
Great review. I'm glad to hear that the 4 souls will not be confusing to read through. I can't wait to get my hands on this book!
Royal Reviews Rock!
This sounds great, thanks for the review and giveaway
"Royal Reviews Rock!"
copperllama at yahoo dot com
This really does sound interesting. We are going to be reviewing the for Blog with Bite, so I'm been scouring looking for reviews. This was a great review and love how you incorporated your daughter into it. Thanks so much - parajunkee (@) gmail.com
I started this one but I was eating at the time and the first scene at the cemetery wasn't good for my digestion ;-)
Sounds like I better pick it up again before it's due back at the library.
I love my own copy so "Royal Reviews Rock!"
Love the duel review! And found it interesting that you gave it 3 crowns while Nona gave it 5 crowns. Sounds like a great book, so please count me in.
Royal Reviews Rocks! :D
Tif, this is the first time that Nona and I have really discussed a book. Normally, we don't read the same books. This was an experiment. ;) Time will tell about the ratings.
bookjourney, I agree. It has been a blast!
Lucy, she is really her own person. (lol) As you can tell.
roswello, I highly recommend it for your daughter. I was sort of shocked she liked it so much.
Debbie's World of Books, I'll be curious as to what you think!
Book Whisperer, I really expected more from the author.
Amanda, exactly why I wanted to read it!
Jenny Girl, then you really might love it!
Wendy, I am a fan of her Lords of the Underworld and that's about all. The other ones are just okay for me.
Margay, I do too! I think her opinion is really more important, ya know?
The Book Vixen, lol, and this is a really good one to stalk!
Jaime, you are very welcome!
ParaJunkee, this was sort of a test. I think she got a kick out of it too.
Book Dragon, oh too funny!
Alexia561, I know and when she found out I only gave it three stars, I got the are-you-crazy look. (lol)
Royal Reviews Rock!
This book looks really good! I like the honesty and will probably still be reading it even with the so-so review. :)
I've been wanting to read this one for awhile - but now I am wondering if it is one that I will just pass to my daughter. I am reading a YA novel right now that I can't get into - I am going to have her try it and see if her take is any different.
Royal Reviews Rock!
Books and Needlepoint
This book sounds really good. Royal Reviews Rock!
i so want the HB of intertwined!! this is a toughie 3 and 5 stars hehe it does sound good though :D
I thought the premise of the books sounded intriguing so I am glad you see you and Nona agreed the concept was interesting. I really want to give this one a try.
And Royal Reviews Rock!
waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com
This is on my wish list. The review was awesome but all Royal Reviews Rock in my opinion!
Kristen, no matter how I feel about this book, Gena will remain a fave author!
Kristi, I'd give it a shot before deciding.
Julie, I think it's funny how Nona and I are sharing the love of the same author in two different genres.
Faye, well, it's not a bad book, so that should say something, right?
Icedream, totally agree with you there!
GFDesignz, lol, I couldn't agree more!
I'd really like to win this book for my granddaughter! she is an avid reader...
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for a great review, J. Kaye. I like the fact too that you included your daughter's opinion of the book, even though you had different opinions of how the storyline should have been protrayed. I like seeing two people's opinion in the same review.
Royal Reviews Rocks!!! I signed up as a follower.
I just read this and would love to own a copy!!!
BTW Royal Reviews Rock..;D
Wow this sounds like a really great book. Royal Reviews Rock
Well, I can't wait to see what time will tell!! :) Either way, I think it could create some great conversations!!
J. Kaye -- great interview! And I really like the way you included both points of view! I am very keen to read this!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Royal Reviews Rock!
Superb and may I add..."Royal Reviews Rock!"
Thanks for the chance. I really want to read this book.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
Sounds like a great read. The premise sounds really interesting.
Royal Reviews Rock!
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