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Friday, December 5, 2008

Guenevere by Rosalind Miles

Queen of the Summer Country (Guenevere S.) It seems that when you look at many reviews of this book most people seemed to like it, not love it. For me I can't say I even liked it. The first 115 pages where very slow with no hooks at all and the only reason I pushed on through and finished it is because of the competition I'm in with my daughter (there is an Amazon voucher up for grabs). I found the writing to lack emotion and passion. We are expected to believe that Guenevere loved her mother deeply but did not even cry when she died and within days is madly in love with Arthur. This certainly doesn't ring true to me of the passionate woman most of us believe Guenevere to be. I found that there were just too many holes in this story for me to get swept away in it.

I often think the timing of reading a book can make or break it and after just having finished a fantastic trilogy by Juliet Marillier any book will struggle to measure up. I've read a couple of books this year that when I look back at them I can't remember what they were about, in fact, I wouldn't believe I'd read them accept for the review I've posted. Unfortunately this is going to be another one of those book. I really wanted to love this book as I love Guenevere but...

Royal Review:

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