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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Shadows and Strongholds by Elizabeth Chadwick

Shadows and Strongholds: A Novel I'm usually fairly good at pinpointing exactly what it was about a novel that I did or didn't enjoy. Unfortunately, I'm having a much harder time with the review of Shadows and Strongholds. It was a good book but in my opinion it was by no means great.

I just didn't feel like I was invested in the characters enough. I couldn't muster myself to care enough for them that I wanted to keep reading - although I finished it anyway. That's an incredibly harsh thing to say about a book that so many others have seemed to really enjoy but unfortunately, I just couldn't make the connection.

There were plenty of aspects about Chadwick's writing style that I did enjoy and I think it's fairly evident that she is a well-researched, intelligent writer. I will certainly try another of hers in the future...I'm just going to be very careful which one I pick. Maybe I'm too used to reading books where the characters are wrought with emotional desperation???

Not quite a Chadwick fan yet...

Royal Rating:

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