Title: Older and Wider - A Survivor’s Guide to the Menopause
Author: Jenny Eclair
Publisher: 2nd July 2020 by Quercus Books
Pages: 352 pages
How I Read It: ARC book
Genre: nonfiction, Health, Mind & Body
My Rating: 5 crowns
'The menopause is a weird one, as a woman you know that the likelihood of it happening to you is pretty inevitable, but no-one really tells you what to expect.'
So says Jenny Eclair, who, with her trademark humour, will share her experience of what can be a difficult time for many women, from the emotional side of life - missing the woman you were, the empty nest, mood swings - to the health aspects of the menopause, starring the hot flush and also periods (lack of), weight problems, insomnia and other issues. Upbeat and honest, Jenny shares her new-found hobbies, the joy of pets and how to make the best of the different but still-fabulous you.
My Thoughts
‘... she accidentally catches sight of what looks suspiciously like her mum standing just three feet away. Only her mum lives two hundred miles up the M6. Once she realizes that she is, in fact, staring at her own reflection and that she has turned into the doppelganger of her mother in her furious fifties, the truth of what is happening will hit her. Of course, this is it.’
Finding myself at the start of this journey, I was keen to read what I could to educate myself. Jenny (an English comedian, author and actor) has written a comprehensive A-Z of well researched information (she clearly states she is not a doctor) on menopause. Considering half of the world’s population will experience this, it was refreshing to find a book that was informative, relatable and funny - able to shine some light into an otherwise taboo subject.
‘We only get one go at life, and considering the menopause can drag on for a decade of your allotted time on this planet (plus an extra couple of years for the peri-menopause) it would be a shame to waste that time by being permanently down. So, with that in mind, let’s put a positive spin on the menopause...’
This is a book everyone should read - female/male, young/old - as a book such as this is long overdue. There are some serious discussions, however being written by a comedian, there is much fun and laughter as Jenny brings her hysterical interpretation to some of the facts, fads and fascinations. She is most candid in sharing her own experiences and this is really helpful to those of us who, let’s be honest, have no idea. Her down to earth approach makes it relatable and accessible from an understanding of what can occur and how to try and stay on top of things.
‘One of the most interesting revelations about the menopause is that, for many of us women, it’s a time of discovering who we really are, what we really like and what we really can’t be bothered with.’
The range of issues is truly comprehensive and I just love Jenny’s fun, yet no nonsense approach. She makes a lot of sense. Physical, social and emotional concerns are all here from HRT to mood swings to taking up a new hobby. It was a relief to read and realise that there are many women who feel exactly like you do - we just don’t talk about it. Apart from the humour and information, what I truly appreciated was Jenny’s insight into finding the silver lining on this otherwise grey cloud. The glass needs to be viewed as half full as women of this age can find themselves liberated from the confines of society's images and expectations and instead embrace just happily being themselves.
‘We might as well start pleasing ourselves at this stage in our lives and that’s why it’s really important to know what makes us tick more happily as time goes by.’
I cannot recommend this book highly enough for its funny yet wise offerings. There is just so much here that it will keep you coming back as a guide and reference to the many helpful ideas suggested. Jenny’s honesty helps put things into perspective from practical ideas to confirmation that this is really just the beginning.
‘The menopause is a definite chapter in your life. Not only does it mark the end of the young you, it also heralds in the dawn of a new you and what this new you is going to be is very much your decision to make.’
This review is based on a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The quoted material may have changed in the final release.
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