Series: Mercedes Thompson Book 1
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Copyright: 2006
Pages: 288
Mercy Thompson's life is not exactly normal. Her next-door neighbor is a werewolf. Her former boss is a gremlin. And she's fixing a VW bus for a vampire. But then, Mercy isn't exactly normal herself.
Urban Fantasy fans and blogging friends have been nagging encouraging me to read a Patricia Brigg's novel for quite a while and while I may be a latecomer to the Briggs' party, I say... better late than never. Moon Called was an enjoyable introduction to the Mercy Thompson series. Briggs manages to create an interesting world with a myriad of supernatural creatures while maintaining a character-driven, well paced story.
Narrator Mercedes, (Mercy for short) is a coyote shifter, a rare 'walker' raised by a werewolf pack. Mercy is a really likeable character; a mechanic with a thriving business, independent, capable, and comfortable in her own skin. She's kick-ass but not invinceable, she stands up to the dominant, testosterone laden men in her life but knows when to keep quiet; in other words Mercy is smart!
Adam Hauptman, alpha of the local werewolf pack and Mercy's next door neighbour, is a great character. Charismatic, menacing, adoring and protective father to daughter Jesse and although he hides behind brusqueness and sarcasm it was obvious to me that he liked Mercy. This excerpt will give you an idea of the relationship between the two and the antagonistic humour much in evidence throughout the novel.
I noticed the cat-carrier sitting on my porch as soon as I got out of the car.
My cat, Medea, gave me a plaintive yowl, but I picked up the note taped to the top of the carrier and read it before I let her out.
Ms Thompson, it said in heavy block letters, Please keep your feline off my property. If I see it again, I will eat it.
The note was unsigned.
I undid the latch and lifted the cat up and rubbed my face in her rabbit-like fur.
"Did the mean-old werewolf stick the poor kitty in the box and leave her?" I asked.
While there is only the slightest hint of romance in Moon Called (yep slightly disappointing) my hope is that things heat up between Adam and Mercy in Blood Bound. The relationship between Mercy and former lover werewolf Samuel is a complicated one, and while it seems the pair still have feelings for each other, my heart is set on Adam getting the girl in this 'claytons' love-triangle.
Pack politics, folklore, killings, kidnapping, conspiracies, intrigue, a sprinkling of magic, Moon Called was an action-packed paranormal who-dun-it. I will definitely be continuing on with the series and I'm looking forward to reading book 2, Blood Bound.
At present the author has been contracted for seven Mercy novels but it is possible the series will go longer. Visit Patricia Briggs' website HUROG to find out more about this author and her work.
Adam Hauptman, alpha of the local werewolf pack and Mercy's next door neighbour, is a great character. Charismatic, menacing, adoring and protective father to daughter Jesse and although he hides behind brusqueness and sarcasm it was obvious to me that he liked Mercy. This excerpt will give you an idea of the relationship between the two and the antagonistic humour much in evidence throughout the novel.
I noticed the cat-carrier sitting on my porch as soon as I got out of the car.
My cat, Medea, gave me a plaintive yowl, but I picked up the note taped to the top of the carrier and read it before I let her out.
Ms Thompson, it said in heavy block letters, Please keep your feline off my property. If I see it again, I will eat it.
The note was unsigned.
I undid the latch and lifted the cat up and rubbed my face in her rabbit-like fur.
"Did the mean-old werewolf stick the poor kitty in the box and leave her?" I asked.
While there is only the slightest hint of romance in Moon Called (yep slightly disappointing) my hope is that things heat up between Adam and Mercy in Blood Bound. The relationship between Mercy and former lover werewolf Samuel is a complicated one, and while it seems the pair still have feelings for each other, my heart is set on Adam getting the girl in this 'claytons' love-triangle.
Pack politics, folklore, killings, kidnapping, conspiracies, intrigue, a sprinkling of magic, Moon Called was an action-packed paranormal who-dun-it. I will definitely be continuing on with the series and I'm looking forward to reading book 2, Blood Bound.
At present the author has been contracted for seven Mercy novels but it is possible the series will go longer. Visit Patricia Briggs' website HUROG to find out more about this author and her work.
Visit Teddyree at her blog The Eclectic Reader
I sure loved this book, I truly must get book 2, but first I will have a peak at her site :)
Blodeuedd ~ I really like Mercy, have to order book 2 so I can keep going with the series in 2010!
Hey teddy...
Glad to see that the nagging has pushed you to being introduced to a rocking kick ass gal...
You are so gonig to love the rest of this series...
Once you have finished you must move on to the alpha and Omega series by Briggs...
Love the review...
I love this series - the first book was great and they just keep getting better! I love Mercy but also the secondary characters as well.
E.H & Patti ~ LOL you two, alright I'm ordering the next couple in the Mercy series and I've put the 1st book from the Alpha and Omega series on my wishlist; thanks
I too haven't read any of the books in this series, although I do have at least 3 in this series. Need to drag them out and read them.
This is one of my favorite series.
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