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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Romance Reading Challenge

This challenge has been moved but you can still sign up for it here.


Erotic Horizon said...

I have to spend a day and go through all these challenge...

I promised I wouldn't do any challenge next year... but I am liking this one..

P.S. - Can other challenge books go towards this one..


Alaine said...

All challenges can cross over.

Monica Corwin said...

I LOVE Challenges...this is going to be a great year!


Book Dragon said...

Erotic Horizon, aren't you hosting a couple?

I said I wasn't going to overload myself with challenges again this year but I can see it happening already. I doesn't help that I'll be hosting/co-hosting SEVEN throughout the year.

Alaine, are reviews necessary? Because I I read 5 out of 7 books last year but did no reviews.

Michelle Santiago said...

woo-hoo! i love this challenge!! i can't wait to get started :)

AlleluiaLu said...

I'm in! Romance is probably my favorite genre - especially time travel romance. Reading 12 books in a year should be eeeaaasssy.
Thanks for hosting!

Ashley said...

This challenge is going to be a lot of fun! I can't wait to start!

Blodeuedd said...

Yup signed up, an excuse to get those romance books on my shelf read ;)

Marq said...

I can't wait to start this challenge. Romance is my favorite genre. Question - Do the series romance books count? Like Harlequin Blaze, Temptation etc?

Anonymous said...

I'm here! I missed last year Romance Challenges. So glad to be in this one.


SillyJay said...

double posted by mistake sorry didnt mean to but please erase the first link.. thnx and sorry for the inconvenience.

Grilsgood said...

I like Romance and even bettr whent here is aq little mystery with it.

Christina said...

Are GLBT romances okay for this challenge?

Alaine said...

Anesthezea, yes any genre is fine. Romance is romance!

Grilsgood said...

I am now able to read romance again after losing my husband to death. But I still prefer it with lots of mysteries to solve.

Anonymous said...

I think this is my last one from the 'Royal' list. But I can't go past a good romance challenge :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I can't believe its already time for the new 2010 reading challenges! Where did 2009 go so fast??



Icanhasbooks said...

This will be a fun one seeing how I have many romance novels. :D

Veens said...

I am in!

M. said...

Hello, my first time here -
I'd like to participate in the romance challenge, the historical, and first in a series.

Became a follower.

I think this may be my first challenge hosted in UK!

Lori (sugarandgrits) said...

I'm in! This is only my 2nd challenge and I'm looking forward to it. :)

Of course, I would make a typo in my link! It should say "SOME of My Favorite Books"...sorry. :(

Good luck and Happy Reading to everyone!
~ Lori

Lizzie said...

This one I have not done before but since I am about to venture into Georgette Heyer land I figured this would be perfect. Thank you I am adding it to my challenges post now.

Curling up by the Fire said...

I signed up for the Addicted level in this one too. Lots of reading to do again.

Nicole, The Book Lover said...

I am so glad to have found this challenge! I am a bit of a romance addict and tend to read in this pattern; romance, non-romance, romance, non-romance because I love to read a good bodice ripper between the more serious stories.
I can't wait to see the romances everyone is reading and I can't wait to share my reading experiences!

Alaine said...

Nicole, I can be a bit like that. Nothing like a reliable feel good happy ending! Good luck for the challenge, I can't wait to see all the new authors I know I'll find.

Lynda Coker said...

I'm killing myself with challenges, but this one looks too good to pass up.

retroredux said...

Looks right up my alley:) I'm in:


Anonymous said...

I'm in - Addicted

Jessica said...

Better late than never, but I'm in.

Wings @ storywings.blogspot.com said...

Hi I'm definitely entering this!!!

one quick question...does Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick count?

Alaine said...

Hi Amanda-Lee, I haven't read Hush Hush so I don't know but if you think it's romance when you've read it then you can definitely count it. It's really up to you to define what books you think are romance. Good luck with the challenge!

Romance Reader @ heart said...

This sounds like a lot of fun! :)

~ Romance Reader @ heart

JennJ said...

I said I wasn't joining anymore till I finished the ones I had started but I can't resist this one. Count me in! :)

Anonymous said...

What about those of us who don't have sites and are too technically challenged to do the Mr. Linkey thing? How else can I keep track? 've just finished my third romance this year.

Alaine said...

Librarypat, you can tell us the name of author and the number of books you've read in the comments!

seraph7 said...

I'd love to do this challenge !I'll have to find enough books to fulfill it though.

Natalie said...

Hi. I really like this challenge and decided to join. Thank you for hosting and good luck to us all.

Kerith said...

I would like to join. Should we just give monthly updates if we dont have a blog. I am already up to five, we are starting from Jan. 1 right?

1. Anyone but you: Jennifer Crusie
2. Caressed By Ice: Nalini Singh
3. Divine Misdemeanors: Laurell K. Hamilton
--funny thing is that I want to scream to Anita about morals and not giving the milk for free, but yet Merry can do what she wants; I am a such a hypocrite... oh well rock on MERRY!
4. Dark Lover: J.R. Ward
5. Miss Wonderful: Loretta Chase

PS I do love Anita, and she can do what she wants and I will still love her.

Bere said...

Just signed up to this reading challenge,
I'm so excited! Thank you =)
Your blog is really great, I'm a new

Margay Leah Justice said...

I am going to shoot for the Addicted category. Should be fun trying!

Alaine said...

Hi Margay and welcome to the challenge!

Becky said...

I am going to shoot for the Obsesed category.

Alaine said...

Becky, welcome to the challenge! I'm doing the Obsessed level as well!

yettie said...

Signing up for the "Obsessed" catergory. I am obsessed anyway so I appreciate a legitimate excuse to keep doing what I love doing :)

yettie said...

Signing up for the "Obsessed" catergory. I am obsessed anyway so I appreciate a legitimate excuse to keep doing what I love doing :)

Amy J said...

I finished up the challenge and posted my completion post today! Will add it to Mr Linky!
Amy J

Anonymous said...

I will definitely sign up for this challenge!!! I love to read so this will be great!!! I really love your blog too!!!

Alaine said...

Thanks Queen of Romance, can't wait to read your reviews!

The Clumsy Reader said...

Hey, I have entered almost all your challenges and then a thought just popped into my head :Can 1 book be in multiple challenges? EX: Can I put the Vampire Academy in the 'Series' challenge and the 'Romance' one too? I may have just missed you stating that but please reply soon! Thanks, & UR Blog is AwEsOmE!

Kristine A said...

Hello! Another challenge I can join...yay! Since I love romance, I'm going to aim for the Obsessed level. :)

The Clumsy Reader said...

Well I was done a while ago but I'm just now telling you guys I'm done :) Here's the link to my post if ya'll want to check it out: http://theclumsyreader.blogspot.com/2010/03/romance-reading-challenge-by-royal.html
Sweet contests by the way ;)

Lizzie said...

Here is the link to my original post on my entry:

Things got a bit confusing for me to keep track of so I just made a whole page dedicated to it and it has my list there:

So far I have down Claude and Camille by Stephanie Cowell (which I am not sure if qualifies for romance), Powder and Patch by Georgette Heyer, and Arabella by Georgette Heyer.

Love the challenges ladies and I am sorry I do not visit more, thank you for all that you do for our enjoyment.