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Friday, January 9, 2009

The Host by Stephanie Meyer

The Host: A NovelGood golly Miss Molly! With this novel, Stephanie Meyer has cemented herself as one of my all-time favourite authors. Now I loved the Twilight saga but this book takes Meyer's writing to a whole other level. This book is EPIC. It has all the things you loved about Twilight with a tighter plot and a fascinating heroinne.

Personally, I was obsessed with the Twilight saga but still found myself skimming in quite a few places and wanting things to hurry up. No such problems with The Host. Like a blockbuster movie, it hits the ground running and things don't ease up until you've finished it. Bravo to Meyer for keeping me thoroughly entertained through 619 pages!

As with most Meyer novels, the best part of this story is love. Two souls inhabiting the same body, deeply in love with the same man, Jared. It makes for one of the best love triangles you'll ever read. Especially when Jared doesn't believe his human lover is still alive inside her body. I challenge you NOT to feel anything when Melanie is desperately trying to let her lover know she is still alive. I challenge you NOT to feel anything when Wanda experiences what it is to be in love for the first time in 9 lifetimes...only to disgust the object of her affection for what she is and what she has done to him. And I haven't even mentioned the family relationships she explores between brother and sister.

The most frequently asked question I get on my blog is...What should I read after Twilight??? My answer will now be, without a doubt: The Host!

Royal Rating:


Marg said...

I too loved this book when I read it. It was one of the top 3 books for me for last year.

I CAN NOT wait for the sequel to come out, whenever it does!

Teddyree said...

Ooh cannot wait to read it Annie, might have to go get it with one of my Christmas vouchers!

Miss K said...

I REALLY REALLY hope that this book is popular enough so Stephanie Meyer writes the sequel!

Sheree you will LOVE this!

Marg said...

Annie, the sequel already has a title. It is going to be called The Soul. Not sure of a release date though.

Miss K said...

Oooh thanks Marg! That's made my day :-)