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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Oldies but Goodies

About Oldies but Goodies
Sometimes old books can get a little lost in blogland among the piles of ARCs and new releases. So every week on a Sunday, we're going to be focusing on an old favourite - a book that was published at least 5 years ago and deserves to be recognised.

How to Participate
If you would like to participate, please feel free to leave a comment with your favourite Oldie but Goodie.

**Becky @ Page Turners runs a meme on a Sunday called Blast from the Past which has similar rules and themes as Oldies but Goodies. Becky's meme came about first and she picks some fantastic books so please pay her a visit.**


Title: The Velvet Promise

Author: Jude Deveraux

Historical Romance



Synopsis: Stephen Montgomery came to Scotland a conqueror, saw Bronwyn MacCarran's beauty, and was vanquished. But still she would abhor him. Yet, while clan fought against clan, and the highlands ran with blood--their destiny was made. This mighty warrior pledged himself to his woman's pride, her honor and her name--and made of their love a torch to burn through the ages.

Why I love it:
Hot off the heels of reading Outlander, I was given a copy of Highland Velvet to read. While it was very different to Outlander, it had a unique Scottish flavour and captured my heart within the first few pages. I have distinct memories of spending a lazy Summer between high school and university lying in our pool and immersing myself in this book/series. I think it's when I first became addicted to the HEA.

Jude Deveraux's Velvet series has to be one of the best medieval romances I've ever read. To me, it embodies what historical romance is really about - the characters are fierce, passionate people who fall in love in the middle of a challenging and bloody period of history. While you don't get the same sort of learning from these novels as you would an Elizabeth Chadwick, they certainly give you a vivid impression of the past without taking the focus from the romance.

Highland Velvet in particular is brilliant because of the fantastic clash of wills between the two main characters. I love that it's written about a female Laird and that the hero marries into a family where his wife is seen as the authority and power...it just appeals to my feminine ego.

The book reads with a pace that will carry you quickly through the pages...though you may want to linger on some scenes. Yes, it was written in the 80's so you can expect some differences compared to current historicals however I don't remember a ripped bodice...at least I can't remember one.

Is anyone else a fan of the Velvet series? What's your favourite novel of the four? Are you a fan of Jude Deveraux's contemporary work?

Princess of the Past

Visit Annie @ Princess of the Past


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Thanks for the shout out.

This week I reviewed The Princess Bride by William Goldman, here is the link

I haven't read this book, but the cover definitely loks very dramatic! I dont think that I have ever read a medieval romance

Svea Love said...

This sounds good. I had not heard of The Velvet Series before, I will definitely looking into it now :)

Becky said...

I love Jude Deveraux's books. I have read all of the Velvet series. Hard for me to say which would be a favorite of mine, I liked all four of them.

Armenia said...

I recently read the re-released THE SECRET PEARL by Mary Balogh. And now I know why it was such a gem of a book. I was tortured along with the hero and heroine. It brought forth all the raw emotions from me as a reader; I laughed, cried, felt drained and exhausted. But oh, what a wonderful HEA that finally arrived. I'm so happy I found one of this oldy but goody, one not to be missed. Certainly its one of my favorites.

Miss K said...

Becky - I haven't read The Princess Bride but I really loved the movie. What a good pick!

Muse in the Fog - I really loved this series. I hope you enjoy it.

Becky - Aren't they great? I loved all 4 too but I can't help having a favourite. I really loved The Taming too...I felt it was quite similar in style.

Armenia - Thanks for sharing. I haven't read a Mary Balough book before but this certainly sounds like a good place to start!

misskallie2000 said...

I love to read Jude Deveraux's books. I have read 16 that I can remember (in 06 started excel sheet to keep up with what I had read). I also read Highlander Velvet and I loved it. I can't remember what story all the books tell but I did read Velvet Promise and loved it. Back then these were considered sex books. LOL
I have been and avid reader for over 50yrs so I have read alot of the older books from the 1950's (and earlier)and have to read chapter one and decide if I have already read when shopping. I have bought books I had read so this is the only way I know to try to buy duplicates. LOL

Angiegirl said...

Fun idea! I run a similar feature over at my place called Retro Fridays. Most recently I reviewed SEAWARD by Susan Cooper. Love revisiting these old or overlooked goodies.

Alaine said...

Another all time favourite of mine!

Miss K said...

misskallie2000 - WOW You have read a few Deveraux books :)I'm glad you love the Velvet series. Do you ever reread any for fun rather than by accident?

Angiegirl - thanks for letting me know about your Retro Fridays. Seems there's a few versions of this around - greadt minds think alike i reckon :) thanks for posting the link to your Susan Cooper review - I have heard of her before but not yet given it a go.

Alaine/Mum - I think you'll find MOST of these books are ones you've recommended to me LOL. We should change the name of the feature to Alaine's All Time Favourites hehehe

Jenny Girl said...

I'm always down for a good Devereaux book. She was mentioned elsewhere on another blog recently. I'll have to write this one down.