Copyright: 2003
This is my first Robin McKinley book and I'm sorry to say that it'll probably be my last. I know she has a large fan-base and I know that she is critically acclaimed but I just couldn't get into her writing. Even if Neil Gaiman says it's 'Pretty much perfect.'
The whole novel is written like one giant info-dump with barely any dialogue or interaction between characters. It's made up mostly of the character's internal reflections and while she's certainly quirky, I didn't find Sunshine endearing. I never felt like I managed to care enough about the story to get past the fact that the author continually made up words, had purposefully terrible grammar and had no chapters. Call me boring, call me backwards but maybe this novel is just too unconventional for me?
The other thing was that I really liked Constantine and I felt he was barely even in the novel. What was with that? It felt like McKinley was constantly holding out on me. I didn't really care so much about SOF or any of the other sub-plots. I wanted more of Con and I never got it. I really felt that if there had been more interaction between Constantine and Sunshine, I would've enjoyed this much more.
Judging by other reviews, if you're a McKinley fan, you'll probably enjoy this novel. I just think I missed the point!
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