Genre: Historical Fantasy
Pages: 608

Second of the Sevenwaters trilogy of novels about the last days of heroic Ireland, Son of the Shadows takes up the story of the children of Sorcha, who saved her enchanted brothers, and Hugh, the Briton she married. Sorcha's daughter Liadan is a gifted seer and healer who thinks, in spite of her visions, that she knows what the future has in store for her--caring for her dying mother and then an alliance marriage to Eamonn. A chance meeting on the road carries her off to care for a dying man--one of the mercenaries of the sinister Painted Man, Eamonn's archenemy and a killer for hire. Liadan discovers that she cannot choose whom she loves and that she and the Painted Man are as bound up in destiny as her mother and father were before her.
This is an intelligent historical romance in which the supernatural is a part of the character's everyday lives to an extent that makes it hard to think of the book as specifically a fantasy--these are people to whom the beings of forest speak on a regular basis and to whom sorcery is real. --Roz Kaveney, Amazon.co.uk
This book is the second in the Sevenwaters Trilogy and I would never have thought that I could enjoy it more than the first. If it were possible I would give it 5+++ stars.
This book picks up the next generation of Sevenwaters. Sorcha's children, Niamh (daughter) and twins Sean (son) and Liadan (daughter). The story is told by Liadan and it tells all that happens during the seventeen years that have passed and then goes on to hold you at times breathless, while you wait for the story to unfold.
What surprised me is that when I read the first book I couldn't read it fast enough, but with this book I found I wanted to savour every word. I didn't want the story to end. This book touched a part of me that is buried deep due to my own childhood experiences and the way in which the story teller handled sensitive matters was masterful. I read some reviews that would have preferred these 'sensitive' issues not be included in books at all, as though our own world is one big fairytale. Terrible things, including the abuse Juliet writes about, happen to many people in this world and this book reminds you that you can face and triumph over emotional adversity, even when it feels as though all is lost. It reminds you that hope is never truly lost and our ability to heal each other is not limited.
I hope that over the years I will find the time to read this book again and again. Juliet Marillier is a truly brilliant author and writes about real woman and the inner strength they posses.
Click here to read my review on Daughter of the Forest (Book One) and here to read my review on Child of the Prophecy (Book Three).

This book is the second in the Sevenwaters Trilogy and I would never have thought that I could enjoy it more than the first. If it were possible I would give it 5+++ stars.
This book picks up the next generation of Sevenwaters. Sorcha's children, Niamh (daughter) and twins Sean (son) and Liadan (daughter). The story is told by Liadan and it tells all that happens during the seventeen years that have passed and then goes on to hold you at times breathless, while you wait for the story to unfold.
What surprised me is that when I read the first book I couldn't read it fast enough, but with this book I found I wanted to savour every word. I didn't want the story to end. This book touched a part of me that is buried deep due to my own childhood experiences and the way in which the story teller handled sensitive matters was masterful. I read some reviews that would have preferred these 'sensitive' issues not be included in books at all, as though our own world is one big fairytale. Terrible things, including the abuse Juliet writes about, happen to many people in this world and this book reminds you that you can face and triumph over emotional adversity, even when it feels as though all is lost. It reminds you that hope is never truly lost and our ability to heal each other is not limited.
I hope that over the years I will find the time to read this book again and again. Juliet Marillier is a truly brilliant author and writes about real woman and the inner strength they posses.
Click here to read my review on Daughter of the Forest (Book One) and here to read my review on Child of the Prophecy (Book Three).

We asked author Juliet Marillier which Royal person from history she'd like to be and why. Here's her response:
Eleanor of Aquitaine. Eleanor was a twelth century French duchess who was married first to Louis VII of France and later to Henry II of England. She was a strong and influential woman in her own right, and a great patroness of the arts. One of my daughters is named after her!
About Juliet Marillier:
Juliet was born in New Zealand but now resides in Perth, Australia. She has 11 novels in print and her first novel Daughter of the Forest (1st book in the Sevenwaters Series) was published in 1999. Her novels have won plenty of awards (not to mention the hearts of many readers!) She truly is one of the best Historical Fantasy authors out and like everything else exceptional that springs from New Zealand, we're more than happy to claim Juliet as an Aussie :-)
Juliet's latest novel, Heart's Blood, is being released in October 2009 (Hardcover) & November 2009 in the US (Hardcover) and Australia (Trade Paperback). Click here to purchase from Amazon or here to purchase from Book Depository (free postage worldwide).
Eleanor of Aquitaine. Eleanor was a twelth century French duchess who was married first to Louis VII of France and later to Henry II of England. She was a strong and influential woman in her own right, and a great patroness of the arts. One of my daughters is named after her!
About Juliet Marillier:
Juliet was born in New Zealand but now resides in Perth, Australia. She has 11 novels in print and her first novel Daughter of the Forest (1st book in the Sevenwaters Series) was published in 1999. Her novels have won plenty of awards (not to mention the hearts of many readers!) She truly is one of the best Historical Fantasy authors out and like everything else exceptional that springs from New Zealand, we're more than happy to claim Juliet as an Aussie :-)

In the first week of September julietmarillier.com is getting a make-over! Be sure to drop in and check out all the great new features. In the meantime, her site still has plenty of information about her wonderful novels.

I will be pre-ordering my copy of Heart's Blood at QBD in Australia. Can't wait to read it!
Okay is it sick if we both pre-order a copy and we both live in the same house?
No it's not sick at all LOL. Is it sick that I want another book case for my birthday this year only a bigger one for all my historical novels?
Nope. In fact, with Christmas, Mother's Day and your birthday I think you could get 3 bookcases per year if you need to. It only becomes a problem if we need to rent a second house just for our books....oh what a fantasy!
Well with the amount of books you buy me for Christmas and Mother's day and just because, I need at least a book case a year. Once we run out of hallway we could put a few in grandma's room. Do you think she'd mind?
Nah I don't think she would. After that though, we're out of options. Unless we spread out to the kitchen also!
I hope I'll get a chance to read part one before this one soon as the book sounds really great and historical fantasy is something I find myself enjoying more and more recently.
i have two of her other books on my tbr, so why not these three two. Damn you Ladies! My list will never get whittled down :)
Lilly - Part One, Daughter of the Forest, is absolutely brilliant also. Sorcha's story is about so many things but what touched me the most is the connection between the siblings. It really put into words for me the way I feel about my own brothers and sisters.
Jenny Girl - Glad we can be your TBR pile enablers ;-) Which other two have you put on your TBR? I am dying to read her new one but also the viking novels she wrote also!
I read Daughter of the Forest and really loved it! I knew I wanted to read the second book but after reading your review...well...I know I now MUST read the second book.
I just read the description for Heart's Blood. Yep...another for my list. Even thinking of pre-ordering this one.
Loved Juliet's answer to the royal question.Very cool.Makes me want to read of Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Alaine, you have me hooked to this trilogy. I'm trying to get a copy of this book now. Daughter of the Forest was brilliant
K, so glad you liked it! Can't wait to hear what you think of the next one!
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