This is the story of Nefertiti, narrated by her younger half sister, Mutnodjmet (Mutny) and their family's rise to power. After the death of the favoured son of the Elder Pharaoh, Amunhotep is crowned. Amunhotep despised the rule of his father and all that he stood for. Nefertiti’s marriage to the Pharaoh as chief wife, provides her with the opportunity to gain the everlasting recognition & power she craves. With the encouragement of his wife, Amunhotep forsakes Egypt’s ancient gods, overthrows the priests of Amun, and introduces an untouchable god for all to worship, Aten, a representation of the sun.
Nefertiti’s scheming selfishness, irrational demands, and willingness to sacrifice her sister’s happiness for her own ambitions make her a compelling figure but not a very likeable one.
Mutny touched me, I felt emotionally connected to her character. I cried over her losses, railed at those inflicting hurt upon her and cheered her on when she took her happiness into her own hands, defying her sister, all while retaining her own integrity, compassion and deep love for Nefertiti. Through Mutny's skills as a herbalist and healer I particularly enjoyed the indepth look at the herbs of the time and their medicinal uses. I also found Ipu, Mutny's loyal body servant, to be a particularly endearing character.
Such a contrast, but entirely relatable, many of us know sisters with similar traits to Nefertiti and Mutnodjmet.
A compelling, intricately woven story with a well researched historical foundation.

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