I had heard that fans were divided over the ending so I deliberately kept myself away from any reviews/ratings/conversations until I'd finished reading it. I wanted to be able to review and absorb it with completely fresh eyes. And I'm so glad I did.
I absolutely loved the ending. I personally wasn't disappointed by the idea of two characters I absolutely love, surviving happily into eternity together. I didn't find it contrived or typical. I didn't mind that the massive fight scene was resolved without a fight. In fact, I had to read quite a few reviews before I even realised what the issues were other readers had with the ending!
I felt like the purpose of those last 200 or so pages was to show the reader that not only had Bella evolved and developed into a woman, she was now Edward's equal in every way. It allowed Meyers to leave her characters in peace and allow her readers to trust her when she delivers the happily ever after ending. How could this be resolved in any way but a peaceful way? Isn't that who the Cullens are more than anything else?
As a woman, I can't think of a better power than being able to sheild and protect your family and never having to say goodbye to the ones you love more than life itself. I think this is about so much more than vampires vs humans, good vs evil. As a reader, I wish I was Bella. I wish that I could believe that the day I have to say goodbye to my loved ones would never ever come. I wish I had the ability to see the world around me for its incredible, overwhelming beauty.
I do think she has possibly left this open for Jacob and Nessie's story and that is something I would love to read. I'm sure I'm not the first fan to ponder this though...I wonder if Meyers needs a break from the series first? As much as I'm happy to leave Bella and Edward to their happy ending, I want to know Jacob and Nessie had theirs too.
Unfortunately for me, the obsession I felt has not stopped with the last page of Breaking Dawn. This has now become one of my favourite series of all time and all I want to do is read them all again.
We'll see how the movie turns out! Has anyone else seen it? What were your thoughts on the ending of the Twilight saga?

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