This one, however, was one I found all by myself :-) Okay, I plucked it from Mum's audiobook collection but she had no idea if it was good or not.
Lucky for me, it was great. A paranormal/romantic suspense that centers around a demon terrorising a small American town and the three brothers who are trying desperately to defend their community. It was a really charming opening to her new Sign of Seven Trilogy and left on a great cliff-hanger!
I'm normally a fraidy-cat when it comes to suspense but even though this was creepy at times, I never found my heart beating faster. Seeing as I don't really enjoy being scared, this suited me just fine. If however, you like to be a little spooked, you might find this novel a little on the mild side of thrilling.
Like a true romance author, the demon-chasing comes second to the romantic relationship of the novel's center. And the main characters Cal and Quinn are likeable, slightly quirky people who are fun to watch fall in love. They had a great dymanic but I wouldn't have expected any less from NR. After so many novels, she has got the whole male-female thing pegged.
This is a great filler-book. Read it over a weekend in between your heavy historicals to give your mind a break and your heart the warm and fuzzies. Perfect for the beach or lazy Summer days - I'm saving the sequel The Hollow for a time when I just need to relax!
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